What is the StoryBrand Framework?

Over the last few years you might have heard a friend or someone on social media throw out the term StoryBrand framework, BrandScript, or mention author Donald Miller. 

And now you are wondering, “What does all this mean?” 

Well, today is the day you’ll finally learn what the StoryBrand framework is all about. 

History of the StoryBrand Framework

Donald Miller comes from a screenplay and writing background. He had New York Times Best Sellers and wrote numerous books before he transitioned to marketing and business growth. 

Through his time researching what makes a good book, he realized the exact same principles that keep an audience's attention through all writing, and even films, are the same principles we can now use to inspire potential customers to buy. 

That is when the StoryBrand Framework was born. 

The StoryBrand Framework Talking Points

What Donal Miller realized and optimized is the fact that every story has seven critical elements that keep the attention of the audience. These seven points are what make up your BrandScript. 

1. Character / Hero and What They Want

Every story has a primary character or hero who wants one specific thing.

  • Star Wars: Luke Skywalker wants to defeat the Empire.

  • Pinocchio: Pinnochio wants to become a real boy.

  • Schitt’s Creek: David Rose wants to belong.

It’s this definition of the “one thing” where a company can discover the core of their marketing materials. 

  • Car Dealer: Customers want a reliable vehicle

  • Janitorial Services: Customers want to know their building is clean and safe

  • Life Coach: Customers want to become the best version of themselves

The first step in filling out your BrandScript for the StoryBrand Framework is to clearly define the one desire, the through line, that is beneath every product or service you offer. 

2. Problem

Our character/hero will always have a problem they cannot solve on their own.

  • Star Wars: The Empire is too strong

  • Pinocchio: Wooden boys can’t become real

  • Schitt’s Creek: Belonging in a tiny town seems to be an impossible task

If your customers could solve their problem on their own, they wouldn’t need you. It is the problem that creates a story and a problem that will drive customers to you. 

  • Car Dealer: Deciding between the countless options is overwhelming

  • Janitorial Services: Creating a clean and safe building is too time consuming for your current staff

  • Life Coach: You struggle to apply the concepts you’ve learned in books and seminars

When you can clearly define the problem your customer has, you have a hook to attract your audience. Never stop talking about their problems. 

3. Guide

Just when the problem seems too big or impossible, a guide appears to show our hero how to overcome it. 

  • Star Wars: Obi-Wan Kenobi / Yoda

  • Pinocchio: Jiminy Cricket

  • Schitt’s Creek: Stevie Budd

This is where you come in. A lot of companies like to make themselves out to be the hero of the story, here to save the day. But if you really think about our heroes, they are all very weak characters who need someone to walk with them, train them, and help them reach their full potential. 

That is what the Guide, what you, should be doing. You can do this by expressing empathy (I know how you feel) and competency (I know how you help you overcome the problem).

  • Car Dealer: I understand we have hundreds of cars on our lot, fortunately, I’ve helped 73 families end up in the perfect car for their needs. 

  • Janitorial Services: Having a dirty building can be embarrassing and even scary, we work with over 20 companies a month to provide clean and safe environments. 

  • Life Coach: I know it can be hard figuring out where to start with personal growth, I’ve helped numerous other clients start strong and end up exactly where they wanted. 

Always remember, your customers are looking for a guide to help them become stronger, if you play the hero you’ll make them feel weak. (Don’t turn them into Lois Lane when they want to be Superman.)

4. A Plan

Without a plan overcoming a problem will feel impossible. The most beneficial thing our Guide can do is offer a specific plan that makes the end goal feel achievable. 

  • Star Wars: Train as a Jedi, gather an army, destroy the Death Star

  • Pinocchio: Learn your real value, learn to love yourself, experience true life

  • Schitt’s Creek: Discover who you are, open Rose Apothecary, discover you can belong in the most unlikely place

While there may be many, many steps to get to the end result, it’s important to boil it down to the big three to four steps that will make it seem achievable. 

  • Car Dealership: Explore the 4 models that may be a fit, decide on the perfect one, drive away in the reliable car you always wanted

  • Janitorial Services: Schedule a free estimate, choose your cleaning days, experience a safe and clean environment

  • Life Coach: Book a consultation, put together a plan of action, become the person you want to be

This is where a lot of businesses get hung up. They think, “Well working with us is complicated.” Try telling your desired customer that and see how it goes. 

Three to four steps can make anything feel doable. 

5. Call to Action

Ultimately, if our guide doesn’t call our hero to action, nothing will happen. 

  • Star Wars: Come learn the ways of the Jedi

  • Pinocchio: Let your conscience be your guide

  • Schitt’s Creek: Find community here

When we call our customers to action we can’t be passive. A passive call to action will make your customers think you don’t actually believe in your product or service. Learn More, About Us, See How never closed a sale. 

  • Car Dealer: Are you ready to buy this car today? 

  • Janitorial Services: When should we schedule your first cleaning?

  • Life Coach: Book your first session

It can feel odd to be so direct, but remember, if you’ve been expressing empathy and competency, your desired customer will see the value you provide and want to do business with you. 

6. Show the Success

It’s important to paint a vision of success your customers will experience, so they can see themselves in the story. 

  • Star Wars: Your family and friends will be saved

  • Pinocchio: You’ll become a real boy

  • Schitt’s Creek: You’ll finally open the store you’ve always dreamed of

And we do the same for our customers…

  • Car Dealer: You’ll have a car so reliable your children will drive it

  • Janitorial Service: Visitors and staff will enter your building knowing they are safe 

  • Life Coach: You’ll receive that promotion you’ve always wanted

If a picture is worth a thousand words, we need to use a few words to help our customers see in their mind’s eye what their life looks like after doing business with us. 

7. Show the Failure

Failure is like salt in a recipe, leave it out it’s gross, too much it’s gross. We need to show what will happen if they don’t do business with you so there is a reason to do business with you. 

  • Star Wars: The Empire will rule the galaxy

  • Pinocchio: You’ll remain a puppet

  • Schitt’s Creek: You’ll continue to be miserable

While we don’t want to paint a picture of doom and gloom, eternal consequences, we want to show there are consequences. 

  • Car Dealer: You’ll always wonder if today will be the day your car breaks down

  • Janitorial Services: You’ll lose efficiency as staff cleans up and sick days will continue to rise

  • Life Coach: You’ll stay in this stagnant spot

Just a little bit of failure goes a long way in inspiring your ideal customer to do business with you. 

The StoryBrand Framework All Wrapped Up

When you read through each of the seven talking points for your business it’ll read like a script, from the scene opening on your hero with a problem all the way through to the end where life is exactly as it should be. 

This is your BrandScript. The seven talking points of the framework all combined into one document. 

Using the StoryBrand Framework in all of your marketing will help you stay clear and consistent in everything you produce. While you may not use every talking point in every piece of collateral, the root of the story will always be present. 

Want to start putting together your BrandScript today? MyStoryBrand.com is a free resource provided by StoryBrand to help you do just that. 

Once you’ve done that, I’ll be happy to review and provide some pointers! Just schedule a call with me, we’ll chat for 30 minutes about your progress, and you can begin to implement your BrandScript to see growth in your business!

I look forward to seeing your progress and your business grow through using the StoryBrand Framework.


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